November 3rd, 1867 - The Battle of Mentana
November 2nd, 1942 - The Second Battle of El Alamein
November 1st, 1916 - The Battle of the Somme
October 31st, 1944 - The Battle of South Beveland
October 30th, 1918 - The Battle of Sharqat
October 29th, 1665 - The Battle of Ambulia
October 28th, 1595 - The Battle of Giurgiu
October 27th, 1644 - The Second Battle of Newbury
October 26th, 1864 - The Battle of Decatur
October 25th, 1854 - The Battle of Balaclava
October 24th, 1596 - The Battle of Keresztes (or Mezőkeresztes)
October 23rd, 1864 - The Battle of Westport
October 22nd, 1777 - The Battle of Red Bank
October 21st, 1805 - The Battle of Trafalgar
October 20th, 1587 - The Battle of Coutras
October 19th, 1781 - The Battle of Yorktown
October 18th, 1016 - The Battle of Assandun
October 17th, 1448 - The Second Battle of Kosovo
October 16th, 1813 - The Battle of Leipzig
October 15th, 1944 - The Battle of Aachen